Category: Food

  • 5 Expert Tips To Keep Your Produce Fresh, Like A Pro!

    A few weeks ago, I got the chance to hang out with Sabine, who has created such an awesome business and service called Sabine’s Baskets. She shops for, packages and delivers a basket of market goods, straight to your front door. Along the way, she’s become quite the expert in choosing produce at their best,…

  • 20 Ways to Get the Most out of Your Lemons

    If you’re a green shake enthusiast, green juice lover – or trying out the 21 day morning detox – you’re going to be using a lot of lemons! Don’t throw away those peels – so much goodness lives there! I have 20 ways to use them: Lemon zest for cooking. Before you squeeze your lemon,…

  • Three Fall Ideas

    There are so many awesome fall ideas going around and three of my favorites happen to be all about food, no surprise, and super easy to make – again, no surprise! Hope they inspire you to get in the kitchen and play!   Pumpkin Spice Creamer – skip the boxed stuff and make a homemade…

  • Quick Tip – Herb Scented Steam

    I love steaming my veg – it’s quick and it helps to retain the nutrients. Recently, I’ve been plucking a few twigs of my rosemary and tossing it in the water. It imparts such a lovely herb scent and flavour to the veg! Try this at home! I reckon any herb will work, especially when…

  • Sandwich Rolls

    This weekend Iā€™m going on a picnic with friends who have kids. So the big question with these things is always: what do you bring? Let me show a simple idea that has been a big hit with my family. So, sandwiches are a classic, right – but sometimes you want to make things a…

  • Where else is BPA lurking?

    Canned food is often full of artificial flavourings, too much sugar or salt – no surprise here, how else are they meant to make something sit on a shelf for years and still taste good?! But even if you do find a brand that is healthier (organic, low sodium…) it turns out you may still may have…

  • Make Healthy Eating Easy

    This is my favorite way to stock up for the week ahead. I’ll play my new favorite cooking show on Youtube – and start cutting into beautiful ripe tomatoes, carrots, pumpkin, whole garlic heads, onions… all the makings of a savoury, sweet and nourishing tomato sauce. Fill a roasting tray until it’s full, and simply…

  • You Can Easily Ferment Your Food

    The bacteria in our gut has a lot more to do with our health and overall wellbeing than we give it credit for. As I learn about the role that this micro ecosystem plays in our lives, I’m fascinated and now looking for new ways to include fermented foods into my diet. One of my…

  • Brew your Tea Longer!

    I recently came across an interesting character, Susun Weed – she’s a four time best-selling author and has been teaching herbal medicine for longer than I’ve been on the planet! She has a wealth of knowledge and I was recently listening to her talk about the way we brew our herbal teas. We know that…

  • Blueberry Maple Syrup Recipe

    I grew up in Florida, where everyone knows the name: International House of Pancakes. It’s a typical American diner. You walk in and it’s always full. People’s plates are stacked high with pancakes, grits, steak and eggs. The waiters are always these characters – tattoos, mullets – they’re running around refilling our bottomless coffee. There’s…