
I’ve been invited to speak at this weekend’s Clean & Green Hackathon, which is a platform for urban solutions to our environmental issues. People from all walks of life, will be joining forces to build things that help us conserve and protect our environment, focusing on: air quality, dengue prevention, public cleanliness and recycling. I can’t wait to see the ideas that come up – when like-minded people come together, it’s always so incredible what can be done!

I’m really excited, but equally nervous… I hope that sharing my green journey, and how beautifully imperfect it’s been, will offer a fresh perspective about what really motivates us to take on new healthy habits and inspire change.

If you are in Singapore – come join! Get involved, meet new friends and spend a weekend building solutions that can add value to our lives. Whether you have tech skills, design skills, management skills… everyone can can help! Plus, you can lend me support as I face one of my biggest fears – public speaking!!

Click here for more info on the Green & Clean Hackathon event!

ps – if you do come, please say hi! I’ll need that :))

4 responses to “Can’t lie – I’m freaking out a little…”

  1. Hi Militza, I attended the Hackathon last evening and really liked your presentation and the 5 simple messages you put out. You did great! Thank you for sharing your story and I am amazed to hear how you started only with an iPhone and a Macbook! Great job! Will be checking into your blog site from now on. 🙂

    Btw, do you use an app to take your photos for this blog? They look amazing!

    • Hi Sue! Thanks a million for reaching out and for the kind words!! 🙂 It means a lot

      I started by using the iPhone to take most of the pictures, I would often use Instagram to make them look better 🙂 but after a year I moved on to a Canon SLR camera and have been taking pictures with that – slowly learning along the way.

      Thanks again – and keep in touch!

    • Hi Susanne! Thanks for the encouragement! I was nervous all the way up to the moment I stepped up on stage! But, I practiced a lot and spoke from the heart.. I received such a lovely response after, and felt really amazing! I find that the more I put myself in these uncomfortable situations, the more I grow!

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