
1000 Facebook friends. I’m blown away! I can’t begin to tell you how much you guys have enriched my life, because if I do, I may get teary-eyed sitting here at my local cafe and that would be awkward… You have motivated me to be a better person, to find my truth and to live the life that I’ve always wanted. Sharing with you has been the best thing that I have ever done, but I think I’ve gotten the better deal here because I’ve received so much more!

How do you say thank you for something like that? Impossible. But hopefully $100 worth of products from is a good start! In my mind I picture one of you receiving one of these boxes full of goodies, opening it up and having a blast playing in your kitchen and whipping up all kinds of natural, wholesome products! I chose my favorite ingredients that help me to make a lot of the recipes that I’ve shared with you. Each box totals up to $100 SGD worth of  products – and the contest is open to everyone, no matter where you live! You can pick between two boxes: The Natural Beauty Goodie Bag -or- The Super Foodie Goodie Bag …


The Natural Beauty Goodie Bag

The Natural Beauty Goodie Bag – You love the idea of using pure ingredients on your skin, radiating natural beauty! Whip up your own body butters, skin toners, hair rinses, solid lotion bars and more!! Here’s what you get:

  • Beeswax – used to make lip balms and hard lotion bars
  • Shea butter, Cocoa butter – used directly onto the skin as a deep moisturizer, in the hair or to make whipped and hard lotion
  • Jojoba oil – a great base oil for all skin types, use it to make eye-makeup removers, to cleanse your skin and in your lotion recipes
  • Rosehip oil, Argan oil – two specialty, skin-loving oils that will heal and restore the skin (and hair!)
  • Castor oil – a base oil to use in the Oil Cleansing Method, which is the most amazing way to cleanse the skin!
  • Rose water – a tonifying splash for the skin, you can also use it to make a spray moisturiser
  • Vegetable Glycerin – a humectant which is a great ingredient to add to skin moisturisers and hair treatments
  • Aloe Vera Gel – use this in your skin care recipes, to cleanse and moisturise your skin and in your hair-care recipes
  • Apple Cider Vinegar – use this to make your own skin toner and hair clarifying rinse
  • Vitamin E – a powerful antioxidant, helps to prolong the shelf life of all your homemade products. It also helps to heal and restore the skin


The Super Foodie Goodie Bag

The Super Foodie Goodie Bag – you love the idea of having a pantry stocked with healthy food essentials to whip up nourishing meals, healthy treats and yummy snacks! Here’s what you’ll get:

  • Wheatgrass Powder – a really simple way to add greens to a fruit shake. You won’t taste it, but you’ll body will love it!
  • Coconut Sugar – one of  my top favorite sugar substitutes, it’s low glycemic so you won’t get those high spikes and low crashes! Great for kids!!
  • Chia Seeds – the king of super foods. Feel energy, cleanse your body of toxins, regulate your sugar… run for miles, think like a genius – it’s amazing!
  • Sunflower Seed Bread – great for the morning with sliced avocado on top, or as a mid-day snack!
  • Raw Almond Butter – a delicious source of protein – add it to smoothies, eat it with a cut up apple or smear it on top of your sunflower seed bread!
  • Coconut Oil – a great oil to cook with – it’s easily digested and metabolised by the body, does not store as fat like other oils and even cleans out your digestive tract of harmful bacteria. Did I mention it tastes amazing!
  • Raw Super Cookies – a must have for snack cravings!!
  • Red Quinoa – my favorite quick salad to make – it’s so satisfying: quinoa with chopped cherry tomatoes, onion, avocado a drizzle of oil and a squeeze of lemon! Yumsers!
  • Cacao Powder – mix it with your coconut oil and coconut sugar to make a chocolate sauce that you will spread on everything – even your sunflower bread!! Of course we love that raw cacao is one of the most powerful antioxidants out there – it’s just that nature did us a favor by making it delicious too!

So, which will you choose?


Here’s the way it works:

  1. This competition is only open to Facebook friends, so Like us if you haven’t already!
  2. Enter using the widget below.
  3. Want MORE chances to win? Sure thing! Get Extra chances by:
    • Leaving a comment on this blog post, or
    • Tweeting about the giveaway!
  4. Think happy thoughts!

Now, this giveaway is only going to run for two weeks, so don’t leave it till the last minute to enter, okay?! GOOD LUCK!!!

Win a shopping basket worth SGD100 from iHerb

**Please note: Depending on availability, the contents of the giveaway prize may vary from those pictured in this post.**

*This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook or The giveaway sponsor, Little Green Dot, will ship the prize within 14 days of the end of the giveaway. Giveaway starts Friday, May 23rd at 5pm SGT and ends Friday, June 7th at midnight SGT. Once the giveaway ends, winner will be chosen at random using Rafflecopter and contacted within 24 hours by email. This post will be updated with winners’ names once we’ve heard back from them. Winners will need to respond within 72 hours to claim their prize or another winner will be chosen. *

78 responses to “1000 Facebook Friends Giveaway!”

  1. Congrats Militza! πŸ™‚ Love your blog, especially the pictures. Looking forward to more great green tips.

  2. OMG! I love ourlittlegreendot and and now you’re combining them both! I’m blown away! Btw, are those your favorite brand of products?

  3. Hello Militza,

    I have been looking at your website for a while, as a help for our move to Singapore this summer ! I will continue follow it, as you give me so many good ideas ! Cheers,


  4. Hi! I just came across your post on Sassy Mama Singapore.. LOVE your article on the bubble snakes and have shared it with all my FB friends! Great idea that one! Thanks! x

  5. I’m very happy I found your blog upon arriving in Singapore and it’s been a very useful source in terms of organic eco living. Keep up the great posts, I’m always happy to learn new things πŸ™‚

  6. If anything it is your blog that has enriched my life. Having followed it for several months now and even going through the earlier entries, I’ve gone and adapted, chosen, bought, made, blended and gobbled down many of your great post suggestions. A very good “life hacker” directory!

  7. Stumbled upon your blog while searching for Where to find Kale in Singapore. I am planning to start juicing.

  8. Love your blog Militza! Have shared it with many friends who’ve moved to Singapore looking for information on green living/organics etc. Your photos are amazing too! x

  9. Love all your niffy ideas that are easy to follow and maintain. Keep going. You are on the right track when you follow your heart.

  10. Hi Militza!

    I can’t tell you how much I love your blog and facebook updates. From all the lovely storehouses of treasure in Singapore to the amazing recipes and wholesome living to the beautiful snaps of your little one – I have enjoyed them all and learnt so much in the past few months. I make an extra step to consult your blog guides and make my kitchen and living more Earth and self- friendly! Thank you for all the tips and guidance. Thank you, really! πŸ™‚
    I look forward to a lot more!

  11. Congratulations Mitzi! I really enjoy reading about all the eco-posts you have but most of all the beauty stuff we can create in our own kitchens. Looking forward to more awesome stuff.

  12. Thanks for showing us that living a responsible life is possible everywhere and that when there is a will there is a way.
    I love your beauty tips and recipes. I have been using the oil mist and my skin loves it!

  13. Thank you for all your tips on beauty and health. I really enjoy reading your blog during my free time.

  14. Love this idea. From iHerb i have a similar list. Love Coconut Oil, Chia, Cacao Nibs/Powder, Cocoa Butter. For detoxing I like their Hibiscus Tea, Oxy Tablets, Digestive Enzymes, Crystal Deodorants etc xx

  15. Hi,

    I love reading your blog. Love your tips on healthy living and how we can use vinegar and soda to wash sink and fruits. Thanks for the awesome giveaway. πŸ™‚

  16. I found your blog looking for ways to make healthy food and DIY things! If only this blog was a whole book I could devour & keep forever πŸ™‚

  17. Thanks for this giveaway! I’m a great fan of what you do and am an iherb fan too! Keep up the great work you’re doing:)

  18. Distilled vinegar often goes out of stock from (the online grocery store I’ve been using) & I think it’s got something to do with your 1000 likes on FB page πŸ˜‰

    Your little green dot is about to become a BIG GREEN DOT!

    Congrats. You are so inspiring.

  19. I’m totally into healthy eating and I love your food posts! The super foodie bag looks sooooo good!

  20. Congratulations! I have been following some tips that you have been sharing in the Facebook. Really helps a lot in my home improvement. Wanna say thank you for this πŸ™‚

  21. Wow! I would so love this! I’ve been more conscious about what goes into my kitchen pantry and cleaning supplies so this will be wonderful when i put together my little kits πŸ™‚

  22. I have been following your blog religiously for a while now and out of all the different eco/healthy living blogs, I especially love yours because you’re based in our tiny little island! πŸ˜€ Thank you so much for all the fun ideas! I don’t have a tweeter account, but I’d definitely share it on my facebook! πŸ˜‰

  23. Hi! I stumbled upon your blog by chance and I really love your diy tips for beauty! I am going to try the homemade body butter once I get the ingredients tomorrow! I would love to win the super foodie bag πŸ™‚ Thank you for the giveaway!

  24. Your herb-infused all-purpose cleaning vinegar got me hooked onto your website and updates! I read all your updates and your posts showed me how it is possible to make natural and wholesome food and living choices! Oh not to forget that your infused vinegar is a life-saver! I use it to clean almost everything and made bottles to give away πŸ™‚

    • Hi Mylene! I have something to tell you that may make you smile – because I know that it’s making me smile for sure! Are you ready? You won the giveaway!! I just drew your name and couldn’t wait to tell you. I’ll be emailing you with details soon! Congrats – and thank you so much for your lovely message, you really uplifted and inspired me! All the best and talk soon, Militza.

  25. I am a fan of iherb too, but would love to win either basket to find out what your best-loved products are!

  26. What a thoughtfully-put goodie bag! All my favorite things plus those I’d like to try. Love how you share everything you know with us!

  27. I am glad I am part of the 1000 fans πŸ™‚ Congrats Militza!
    I hope I’d be the lucky one as the goodies will be really helpful for a hands on new mama like me. All the best!

  28. Found this lovely blog when I’m looking for the recipe to make “Whipped Body Butter” for my son with sensitive skin. So ecxited with all the home remedies inside …. Love it …

    Thanks for all the info ….

  29. Hi, you have a lovely website! Found your website when I was doing research for my online shop selling eco-friendly baby products πŸ™‚

  30. I love your especially your post on how to make our own healthy food and natural beauty products..u r truly inspiring and enriching! Thanks for sharing your wonderful knowledge and skills with us! πŸ™‚

  31. Hi, thanks for your site! I found it while I was researching on green smoothies. Love what you have here – makes me rethink how it’s still possible to be green even in a city like Singapore!

  32. I am new to making my own natural products. But can’t wait to get my hands on it. Thanks for your tips!

  33. i enjoy reading you post on healthy and natural living and try out the recipes you posted. awesome!

  34. Congrats on the 1000 likes! I’m glad that I found your blog for local green living tips.

    I’ve been wanting to try the kale chips but till today I cannot find cheaper alternatives πŸ™

    Thanks for the awesome recipes still!

  35. i came upon this awesome website & Facebook page through a friend who liked it on Facebook.

    And coincidentally I am currently in plans to change my eating habits. In fact, I started green-juicing for about a month already, and had avoided as much carbs as possible.

    I am really so thankful to have chanced upon this blog cos you have the info that I need, especially trying to eat healthy and finding the right ingredients are not exactly easy tasks in sunny Singapore.

    Just by reading a couple of posts earlier, I have already made an online purchase of kale from online shop you had recommended in Singapore (it’s always sold out at Cold Storage) , and I am also going to purchase a good juicer πŸ™‚

    I’m going to try out the spinach omelette for dinner tonight!

  36. Can’t believe I had to meet you to learn about your blog. Pin and I love exploring the exact topics you blog about. Congrats on the 1K fans!

  37. 1000 fans! Wow! I wish more people would chance upon this blog and get to learn SO MANY things that would see their lives improving for the better.

    I’ve been caught onto the kale fever lately, so thanks a lot for telling us where to get them, and of course for holding this lovely giveaway! Happiness when shared, is indeed doubled! πŸ™‚

  38. I am in aww with this blog so much helpful information. I just started on my journey of eating clean and working out. It’s been 8 weeks and i’ve lost 11lbs. I am always open to reading and learning more. Anything that helps me stay on the straight and narrow πŸ™‚

  39. Your blog opened me up to MOSS Grafitti!!! N whole lot of diy stuff. I lurve & i Loike!!! <3 πŸ™‚ Thanks alot Militza!!!

  40. Love your ideas for healthy eating – they are actually doable in Singapore!

    Super Foods Goodie Bag sounds absolutely delicious.

  41. I found you featured on the feeling magazine from guardian and I had to check your blog out! My favourite topic would be beauty (:

  42. I am really into healthy meals and natural, raw and organic ingredients, i am also very much into natural and organic skin care and make up products and these are obviously my favorite posts/topics analyzed by you . I loved your post about the Chia seeds it opened my eyes.I was searching for blogs that blog about Chia products that’s how i found you. I want the super foodie goodie bag so much

  43. I stumbled upon this blog while searching for a list of oragnic grocers in Singapore. My favourite topic would most definitely be about food!!

  44. I can’t remember how I found your website but I’m glad I did. πŸ™‚

    My favorite post is your recipe for crispy kale crackers. I haven’t tried doing it yet but it’s definitely one of the first recipes I’ll do once I get my oven to work.

  45. Stumbled across this blog today and absolutely love it! Recently moved to Singapore and have been trying to track down both organic and gluten free products, so thank you for all your handy info/tips!! Pick me to win the goodie bag πŸ™‚

  46. Hi M – Love the give-away idea! I also tried the oil cleaning method this week. My skin likes it! πŸ™‚

  47. Congratulations Militza! You’ve come a long way. I’m glad to have joined both your home and toddler’s diet detox workshops! Have been using natural cleaners since and trying my best to make healthy meals for my kids. All the best!!!

  48. I chanced upon your blog some time back and ever since then, I always look forward to reading what you shared. Thank you!

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