Junk mail is a big problem in my home in Singapore.

Well, it was.

What was so frustrating, aside from a mailbox full of ads, was seeing all this paper, ink and dye going to waste. The natural resources consumed, the toxic chemicals used – all for that piece of paper to reach your mailbox in a vain attempt to capture your attention… 44 percent of junk mail is thrown away unopened, but only half of that (22 percent) is recycled.

I came across an article that explained how to opt out of receiving junk mail in Singapore and decided to give it a try… the answer was so simple!

If you want to end junk mail today – here’s how I managed to cut it out and control the amount of waste that goes through my home:

How to stop receiving junk mail in Singapore

Here’s what you do:

1. E-mail Singapore Post with your details ([email protected]) and ask to be removed from their advertising list

– or –

2. Go to the SingPost website and opt-out on line: Go here

How to stop receiving junk mail in Singapore | littlegreendot.com

Make the following selections in the contact form:

  • Service Type: Postal
  • Category: Advertising Mail
  • Sub Category: OPT-OUT Service

You’ll be given a second form to complete with your address and contact details:

How to stop receiving junk mail in Singapore | littlegreendot.com

Complete the form in full and send it off to SingPost.

– then

3. Wait for a response and look out for a little green sticker to magically appear on your mailbox!

How to stop getting junk mail in Singapore | littlegreendot.com


1 month later, I’ve only received three pieces of junk mail – where I used to get three a day!

I love it when they make it easy for us to be green!

How to stop getting junk mail in Singapore | littlegreendot.com

Happy de-cluttering!

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