There’s something about a bicycle that makes me feel like a kid… that time of life where the simplest activity, something that we adults find mundane, can feel like an adventure. For me this happened when I rode out to pick up a loaf of bread. Unlike being in a car, when you’re cycling you’re not closed up, you’re exposed and your senses are awakened. You take in everything around you: the sunshine, the birds flying past, the flowers that your neighbor planted, the piano playing inside someone’s home… It’s by far my favorite mode of transportation, and when I need to run errands, a ride on the bike can make it so much more. So, when I wanted to make a sandwich, I decided to ride down Joo Chiat where there’s a small artisan bakery called The Bread Project, that handcrafts their own breads and pastries, but… along the way, I also rode fast down a hill, felt the wind against my skin, photographed pretty things and had a lovely afternoon!
This sandwich is great to make for a meal on the go. It holds up well, it’s filling and you can customize it how you like! The trick is to not slice the loaf open, instead carve out a “lid” from the top, scoop out the soft doughy insides and pack it with your favorite ingredients. (I was inspired by this recipe from Sweet Paul) I choose a perfectly ripened avocado, romaine lettuce, wasabi sprouts, baby capsicums and tomato and cucumber slices soaked in lemon juice for 15 minutes, almost pickling it.
As for making it a happy experience, well that’s your own recipe!
It’s The Journey Sandwich
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