BE LINEN MOVIE from Benoit MILLOT on Vimeo.
If you have 15 minutes over your lunch break, this video is absolutely worth watching. It’s a beautifully-shot film which tells the story of linen; from the farmers who harvest the flax crop to the weavers who handle the fibers…
When we look to sustainable fabric, natural linen is a beautiful choice. True linen is made from flax, a crop that requires very little fertilizer or pesticides.The production of linen fabric itself uses 5 to 20 times less water and energy than the production of cotton or other synthetic fabrics.
While only the very best fibers are used by the linen indusry, every part of the flax plant has value, elimating nearly any waste. The leftover linseeds, oil, straw and fibers are used in everything from food consumption to soap and paper.
my favorite quote from the film is:
“Now, when consumer interest is refocusing on ethics, responsibility and intelligence – linen is interesting because as embodies lots of these values.”
I’m truly loving linen…
images via: foglinenwork, roughlinen, smallbatchproduction, onesydneyroad, jcrew