The Beauty Shake Recipe

Today’s Green Shake is all about getting that beautiful, youthful glow – that you won’t find in a beauty cream! In my fridge, I keep a stock of beautifying foods. Watermelons and blueberries are a top favorite and this morning I blended them together into my green shake – which brings me to an interesting point: not all green shakes come out green! Brown, green… it’s all good! Here’s what went into it:

Watermelon: mostly made of water, watermelon hydrates the body helping to cleanse and detoxify. When it comes to hydrating, water is important – but food waters hydrate the body and also contain fibers, sugars and nutrients that help to keep the body going. Watermelon is also rich is lycopene, an antioxidant that scavenges UV-induced free radicals  – little nasties that can cause sunburn and wrinkling. Did you know that you can also juice the rinds – there is a lot of nutrition there, but it’s best to do this only if your watermelon is organic.

Blueberries: rich in Vitamin C, a collagen-builder that helps keep our skin tight and taut! The other really cool thing about blueberries is that they are rich in anthocyanins, which scientist believe protect the body from the effects of oxidative stress. If your body lacks the antioxidants to fight against this stress, it can bring on disorders associated with ageing. Something to note is that the effects from oxidative stress increase with exposure to environmental toxins – so for those of us dealing with the recent haze – I say give your body a strong defence: get your blueberries on!

The Beauty Shake Recipe


  • 1 cup watermelon
  • 1/2 cup blueberries
  • 1 cup leafy greens (spinach, kale, kai lan…)
  • 1/2 banana (frozen is best – this makes the shake creamier)
  • a sprig of mint


  1. In a blender, blend all of the ingredients together until smooth.
  2. You can add ice to make it like a smoothie and water if you want to thin it out a bit – to reach a consistency that you like.

6 responses to “The Beauty Shake – A Green Shake Recipe For a Healthy Glow”

  1. So jealous of your blender! Anyway, I wanted to let you know that I finally got myself some virgin coconut oil and I can now try that body butter recipe I’ve been meaning to do. Wheee!

    • Hi Niki! I can’t lie – I’m loving my blender :)) Awesome – it tastes good, right? Have you tried it yet? what will you make with it first?

  2. Hi Militza,
    I love both vegetable and fruits smoothies!
    But I read on some other sites that fruit and vegetable have different enzymes and it’s not good to combine them. (except for apples and pears). What’s your opinion on this?

    • Hi Cathy! There’s a lot of people that talk about fruit & veg combining and I think that you should definitely listen to your own body to see how you feel after you eat certain foods. If you hear a bit of grumbling or feel a bit bloated, then you know your digestion is not happy with that particular food or combination – usually though it’s when starchy veg is combined with fruit that digests quickly, but with green shakes, the veg comes from leafy greens and can actually help digestion.

      I find that I’m ok with whatever combinations I do because everything is blended and broken down, making it much easier on the system. But, I tend to keep my smoothie recipes at under 5 ingredients.

      hope that helps!

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