This was the very first Workshop Lunch Hour, a collaborative project that I’m doing with The Working Capitol. The idea is to gather, eat and learn a new wellness skill that you can add to your toolbox.
This week’s workshop was on making your own yogurt. It was led by Genevieve of The Edible Co. who has completely simplified and demystified the whole process!
A mix of readers and Working Capitol members joined us – and we spent our lunch-break together doing something new and different!
The recipe is on the blog – but at the workshop, a lot of questions were asked and Genevieve made a lot of really interesting points, which may inspire you too:
Can you use non-dairy milk? Genevieve’s method uses store bought yogurt as the starter culture – which you use to make your first batch of yogurt. You can mix the yogurt with milk, or almond milk! She said that a friend of hers even made it with coconut milk and while she found it to bee too rich – you can definitely give it try, or even do a blend.
How much yogurt do you get? A two-litre jug of milk will make two litres of yogurt! It’s a huge savings on costs!
Can you flavour it? Absolutely! Afer the yogurt has set, puree whatever fruit you love and swirl it in. Genevieve recommends that you break up the yogurt in small batches so you can do different flavours.
Before you flavour it – make sure to set aside 1/2 cup of your freshly made yogurt as the new starter for your next batch.
Great Tip: Genevieve told us that after 7 batches, you’ll need to make a new starter with store bought yogurt. Or, you can get your family and friends involved and share starters!
After the demonstration – we all tucked in! We did a parfait buffet with homemade yogurt, fresh fruit, fun toppings and of course Genevieve’s own Edible Co. Granolas
If you’re hosting a brunch or your own company event – a yogurt parfait bar is really fun and simple! Plus, you can make your own yogurt and blow everyone’s socks off 🙂
If you’re in Singapore – hope you can join us for the next Workshop Lunch Hour at The Working Capitol! So much goodness planned ahead! Sign up to the newsletter below, to stay in the loop.
And if you’re not in Singapore – think about starting your own! It’s so rewarding meeting so many like-minded people, learning and sharing from one another!
Also, make that yogurt!! It’s amazing. A big thanks to Genevieve for sharing your recipe and granolas with us!