If you feel like your day has a hold over you – like you’re constantly being pulled from one thing to the next and never have the time to engage in the things that make you happy – then hear me out on this one.
Last year during Christmas, I knew that I wanted to make some changes. I hated the rushed mornings, the busy days and the tired evenings. I felt like there was so much that I wanted to do, but time would pass and they never got done… Then I came across a book about how successful people wake up early, on purpose! It had a cheesy title, was only 30 pages long but, you know how it is, when you really want something you’ll take inspiration from anywhere.
So, for the past 3 months, I’ve been getting up at 5:30 am, an hour earlier than I need to. My alarm flashes the words – ‘Create Your Life’ – and I find the motivation to get up. Within 30 seconds, the heavy fog is lifted. I splash water on my face, brush my teeth and put on my exercise clothes. For the first few weeks, every morning – I did just 90 seconds of exercise. I’m not kidding. Dressed in all my gear and everything! It sounds ridiculous, but through the blog I have learned that little things add up. So I allowed myself to start with a little. Before long, I increased it to a 10 minute workout video. Now, I go on a bike ride 3 days a week. It’s the most beautiful trail – and to think, I’ve lived by the beach for almost 5 years now – and had never cycled this path before. It all started with 90 seconds….
I don’t have a set structure for my morning time – but I do have one simple rule: “Do not consume – Create”. That means no surfing the internet or watching tv! Some mornings I like to exercise and sometimes I write, cook, or work on a new recipe. My mind is creative during this time – I’m often thinking of new ideas, or planning out my day… And then, almost too quickly, 6:30 am rolls around. My kids are waking up and I’m making them breakfast. I think it’s important for my girls to see their Mom up and ready in the mornings. My hair’s not styled, but it’s combed. I’m not dressed up, but I’m not in my pajamas. I’m not wearing makeup, but my eyes are bright. I’m organised, I’m happy – and they see what it looks like to put in the work for the things that matter.
Then, the day takes off. It gets filled with deadlines, kids and life – but I had that time to think, reflect, create and set the tone for the kind of day that I want to have.
So I encourage you to make use of your mornings. If like me, you’re tired in the evenings and not really productive anyway – then put yourself to bed! I’m calling it a day by 10pm. You don’t need to sleep – read a book, cuddle with your partner, wind down… then wake up early and start anew. It can have such a positive impact and really, the worst that can happen is that you fall asleep during your morning mediation 🙂
Lastly, you know what really helps? A good breakfast!
This recipe cooks up in 15 minutes. While your potatoes are steaming, go ahead and make your lemon water to drink before you eat.
The Go Getter’s Breakfast
- 4 new potatoes cut in halves ((the small ones, or chop up a regular potato))
- a few cherry tomatoes ((I used yellow))
- sliced red onion
- seasonings
- set your potato to steam, about 8-10 minutes. Here’s a great tip to infuse flavour into your potatoes!
- once they’re soft, cook them in a mini pan with a bit of butter or coconut oil
- add your onion and cherry tomatoes and sauté until the potatoes get a bit of color.
- Then, crack an egg over the whole thing, season and cover with a lid for 2-3 minutes until the egg is to your liking.
- serve with a few slices of avocado
Seasonings (my favorite)
p.s. the weekends, I sleep in!
6 responses to “Why I Wake Up Early”
Wonderful ethos, best-looking breakfast and so love the additional shot of a sleepyhead checking out what you’re doing so early in the morning!
Hi Jeanette! Thanks a million – she was too cute not to snap a pic of her 🙂
great post! Inspiring!
Hi, what app do you use to flash the words when you wake up?
Hi Deb,
It’s not an app, it’s just the setting on the alarm of my iphone which let’s me write a little message. It really helps! 🙂
On a Apple machine it is just the “description” field of the alarm.