Category: Tools, Tips & Tricks

  • Ugh! I left it at home!!

    Ugh! I left it at home!!

    Do you have a trick for remembering to bring reusable bags with you to the grocery store?  Most times, I’ll grab them before leaving the house – it’s on my running checklist – keys, money, phone… bags. Let’s go. But often, it’s those unplanned stops that get me. It’s on the way home when I remember we’re running low on…

  • How to Bottle Your DIY Skincare Products

    How to Bottle Your DIY Skincare Products

    If you love homemade skincare products, this guide will help you get set up with packaging to store your creations. I love keeping my skincare simple, so my collection is a three step daily routine, and a three step weekly routine. [yellowbox]Need recipes? Check out my online school SIMPLIFY Skin to learn how to create…

  • How to Make a Batch of Dried Orange Peel

    How to Make a Batch of Dried Orange Peel

    I normally don’t remember to do this anytime I eat an orange – but recently I’ve been playing around with so many recipes that use orange – that I decided, why not make a big batch of it to have it on hand. And good thing I did!  Maybe it’s the season, maybe it’s all the citrus essential oils in the air……

  • Banish Bathroom Clutter for Good!

    Banish Bathroom Clutter for Good!

    Want to feel really good at the start of your day? De-clutter your bathroom tonight! It feels good to walk into your bathroom and see it light and fresh – without a mess of bottles and clutter on the counter. One of the things that frustrates me is when I see a bunch of products and…

  • The simplest way to get gorgeous, healthy, glowing skin!

    The simplest way to get gorgeous, healthy, glowing skin!

    I’m so excited, I’m typing a million words a minute right now to tell you that my new natural skincare collection, SIMPLIFY Skin SEASONS: Autumn is live and ready. You can go sign up right now and start making BIG changes. You’re about to kick bad skincare to the curb! Five years ago, I decided that…

  • Make a fresh start this Autumn

    Make a fresh start this Autumn

    Long time readers of Little Green Dot will know that I’m all about routines. My daily routine used to consist of a bike ride at dawn, while listening to podcasts and audiobooks. And I loved it. It kept me fit, I spent time out of doors and I learned new ideas at the same time – it was perfect for me. But then we…

  • Kitchen Skills – How to Bâtonnet a Carrot

    Kitchen Skills – How to Bâtonnet a Carrot

    Bâtonnet is a skill that makes a big difference in the ease of cooking. Bâtonnett is a French vegetable cut where you cut food like round vegetables and fruit into long, stick pieces. This is the same technique that you would use to turn a whole potato into french fries, to make vegetables sticks for dips, or simply…

  • How to Cook Veggies like Julia Did

    How to Cook Veggies like Julia Did

    Have you read Julia’s Kitchen Wisdom? It’s a collection of kitchen techniques, from Julia Child’s own notebook in her kitchen As you read it,  you can see the way she enjoyed thinking through the process of making food. And I can’t get enough of it. Do you know what it is, when you read her words on how to make a…

  • How to make the most of your basil, before it wilts

    How to make the most of your basil, before it wilts

    How many times have you picked up a gorgeous bouqet of fresh basil, only to watch it wilt exactly 28 minutes after bringing it home?  Unless you’re making pesto, you only really need a few springs for dinner… so what do you do with the rest of it? Put it in the fridge and it’ll turn brown, leave it out…

  • How to Simplify Cooking with One Tray Baked Meals

    How to Simplify Cooking with One Tray Baked Meals

    This tray will save you so much time in the kitchen, especially with clean-up! I’ll show you how to assemble different types of baked trays, how to bake different types of veg and meat together at the same time – and how to prep-ahead to make cooking even faster! All of the trays cook at the…